Car Corral Information
- Credentials issued by the Hornets Nest Region, AACA are required for admission at all times – this includes a sticker affixed to the vehicle windshield and a personal Vendor Pass.
- Car Corral Spaces are 10’ wide and 18′ deep — enough space for one car.
- Car Corral is located on the Track Oval or service road outside turn 3.
- Vehicles for sale in the Car Corral must be drivable
- Non-Drivable Vehicles can only be sold in the Flea Market.
- Certain other vehicles, such as Limos — Motor Homes – Rollbacks – Dual Rear Wheel Trucks –Boats or other marine equipment, cannot be sold in the Car Corral – Vehicles cannot be longer than 19 feet –see the Event Regulations for further details.
- Obtain your spaces in advance, at least three weeks before the event by phoning 704-841-1990, M-F, 9AM to 3PM.
- Purchase spaces on the field from the Hornets Nest Region, AACA – proceed to the Green Field Registration Tent – use Entrance P from Morehead Road or Entrance A from US Highway 29 North.
- Car Corral Vehicles may be driven into place on Wednesday which is Vendor set up day with no public admission.
- Car Corral vehicles can be delivered by Car Hauler or trailer inside all day on Wednesday or Thursday and cannot be picked up again by Car Hauler or trailer until after 12:00 NOON on Sunday. Vehicles which are sold and must be hauled must be driven outside the Infield to be picked up on Friday or Saturday. There is a fee for the Car Hauler pass.
- Gate 25 opens for Car Corral Set-Up to begin at 8:00 AM on Wednesday and 7:00 AM Thursday thru Saturday.
- Thursday-Friday-Saturday-Sunday Gates open to public at 8:00 AM.
- Selling continues until dark on Thursday-Friday-Saturday.
- Public is NOT required to leave the event at 5:00 PM – selling continues until sundown.
- Car Corral Vendors must vacate the Speedway Infield by sundown on Sunday.
- Admission and Parking fees are collected by the Speedway.
- Food and Beverage is available on the grounds – Vendors cannot sell Food and Beverages.
- Approximately 100,000 attendance is expected in Spring and Fall.